Credit co-operative society- A credit co-operative society is an autonomous group of people association to same category come together deliberately to tend to they have common social, economic and cultural agendas and concerns through an enterprise which is jointly-possessed and controlled democratically by such people. It reflects the eagerness of the society to be capable to assistance each other while balancing the principles of social liabilities and mutual help for the welfare of members and profit earning to be capable to achieve efficiently for the long-term. Formation of a credit co-operative society is very easy. It does not involve any complicated and long formalities. Ten adult individuals can voluntarily form themselves into association and get it registered with the registrar of co-operatives. Like company form of ownership, the liability of its members is limited to extend of their capital in the credit co-operative society. It has a separate legal entity. Hence, retirement, death, lunacy, insolvency, etc of any member do not affect the perpetual existence of a credit co-operative society. Its management is entrusted to the managing committee duly elected by the member on the ground of one member one vote irrespective of the number of shares held by them. So, a credit co-operative society is a member-owned financial co-operative which is democratically controlled by its members, performed for the intention of promoting thrift, arranging credit at competitive rates and giving many other financial services to its members.

Multi state credit co-operative society- Multi state credit co-operative society facilitates the incorporation of co-operative societies. Its main aim and function is to spread over to several states. It is a body corporate with limited liability and it can make investment in recognized securities. Multi state credit co-operative society is of many types-credit, agriculture, housing, hospital, transport, handloom and multipurpose co-operative society. The formation of multi state credit co-operative society is very hassle free as they deal only with the funds of their members. There is no restriction associated with the membership of the societies. In this, individuals are the owners of the entity, but their liability is limited to the amount of capital contribution made by them. Its management is appointed by democratic voting by all the members of the society. Its recurring as well as non-recurring expenses are less as the cost of operation is limited. The members may come and go but the existence of multi state co-operative society goes on forever.

Co-operative Society Software-Co-operative Society Software is a Mini-Banking Management Software which manages Savings account, Recurring deposit (RD), Fixed deposit (FD), Monthly income scheme (MIS), Loans etc. This software also manages branch, region, state, members, associates, customers, various modifications and approvals along with necessary and required analytical reports.

Our completely web based software manages all the branches of co-operative society and various business needs. This software mostly used by credit societies to manage their all transactions at a place. Thus MR IT SOLUTION's software offers management of multi-state credit co-operative society software and its financial and administrative tasks with more accurate and efficient way. This is the way to enhance the client's business by getting more and implement methods and features to manage the client's business with our experienced team.

G tech web solutions provide comprehensive and unique co-operative software that helps in management of Co-operative societies to keep track of all activities. This centralized software manages various database operatives such as Fixed deposit (FD), Monthly income scheme (MIS), Loan to our clients and many more. By understanding the future requirements of co-operative software, G tech web solutions develops user-friendly software and mobile App that helps in smooth running of a society. This software can be easily customized and centralized according to client requirements.

MR IT SOLUTION's passion about work, one stop solution, on-time delivery, dedicated and experienced support team gives immense satisfaction to our valuable clients more than a decade. Like this our innovation of new tactics is growing and representing our client's values to the market. So we enjoy new challenges and working in deadlines.

We seek opportunities in every situation, take calculate risk to manage expectations believing in words that don't be satisfied with the easiest option, if it is not the best option. This is our passion for innovation.


Employee's credit co-operative society (ECCS) is a form of co-operative wherein the resources are generated within the society by way of collecting thrift, share capital and other savings schemes, unlike other credit organizations where they massively depend upon external financial institution for smooth functioning of their credit business actions. ECCS aims to assemble savings and help its members to obtain credit concerns and to prepare finance schemes for enrichment of financial position of members. It is govern by laws. Its financial activities are same as banks. ECCS accumulate deposit from member in many ways like fixed deposit (FD), recurring deposit (RD), savings account, insurance schemes, member shares etc. The needy members of these societies can take money as loan. Normally interest rate on loan is higher than given on deposit which is the profit of the society. These societies's profit margin is very low because their purpose is not to earn profit but it is for the interest of its members. ECCS is registered at district level under district register office of state government.

MR IT SOLUTION's employees co-operative credit society software is a plug and play solution that provides the core banking requirements of ECCS. Our ECCS software is extraordinarily parameterized and allows excellent control on operational functions and enables immediate customization to meet organizational commitment of co-operatives. This software has all the features required to run an ECCS and we give round the clock support to our worthy clients. Society members can avail facilities through mobile app, website etc. Our designed software can seamlessly integrate with third party systems.

This software cross platform compatibility, ease of deployment. MR IT SOLUTION's ECCS role based access control software ensures that only authorized users have access to specific modules. Our future proof ECCS software can be seamlessly integrated with other applications with robust architecture and scalability which ensures protection of our client's investment.

Employee's credit co-operative society requires perfect recovery sheet which is branch, division, department or group wise. By MR IT SOLUTION's ECCS software is automatic posted the recovery sheet to the company's HR department or pay centre for direct deduction of loan, C.S., M.R., interest etc. So it reduces days work in seconds and posting of all people's all account is done automatically. Printing wise receipt printing is possible with the help of our software.

Our ECCS software can adapt changes easily. For example if division or branch of some person is changed, the software can easily transfer the person's division. If needed recovery sheet's column, header, footer etc can be modify and design quickly without any difficulty. In case of several changes in deposit schemes, new scheme or loan is started, the software can just a few minute to adapt the modification. So, MR IT SOLUTION's ECCS software is changeable and fully dynamic with future needs. Our clients can get various reports through our ECCS software.

MR IT SOLUTION's application and management service design deploy and IT applications in such a way that address the business and buyer challenges of our clients. We combine robust delivery models, mature processes and classy expertise to support organization's business transformation and leverage technology. Our developers, designers and support team facilitate organizations to bring about cost and operational efficiencies with modernized and streamlined application portfolios. MR IT SOLUTION's integrated services span consulting, management and application development.


Thrift & Credit Cooperative Society is a voluntary association of individuals who come together to meet their savings, credit, insurance and miscellaneous needs. This organisation provides those savings credit and insurance services through various schemes on the basis of self-help and mutual-aid and on terms and conditions decided by members themselves.

Thrift & Credit Cooperative Societies are open to all eligible members of the community. Today, with the rapid progress of the Thrift Movement, TCs are extending services to their members on a daily basis. The savings of the members need to be used, because the interest collected on loans has to be used to pay interest on savings and also to earn surplus.

We have built an advanced Thrift & credit cooperative society software application on a simple architecture using common logic, data and a set of business process. Our Thrift & Credit Cooperative Software contains modules like master entry module, association master module, share master module, member module, loan module, modification module, savings account module, investment module, account module, approval module, SMS module, report module etc.





  • Branch Master
  • Region Master
  • State Master
  • Plan Master
  • Rank Master
  • Commission Master
  • Relation Master
  • Bank Master
  • Configuration Master
  • Target Master
  • Prize Master
  • Voucher Master
  • Account Master
  • Dividend Master
  • Maturity Master
  • Loan Master
  • Interest Master
  • Financial Year Master
  • Account Opening Entry
  • Account Approval
  • Account Transaction
  • Account Transaction Approval
  • Auto Interest Calculation
  • Auto Interest Payment
  • Account to Account Transfer
  • Account Search
  • Account Ledger
  • Account Report (All Category)
  • Account Passbook Print
  • Member Joining Approval
  • Associate Joining Approval
  • Investment Approval
  • Investment Renewal Approval
  • Certificate / Bond Approval
  • Savings Account Approval
  • Savings Account Transaction Approval
  • Loan Approval
  • Maturity Approval
  • Payment Approval
  • Cheque Business Approval
  • Other Approvals
  • Commission / Voucher Payment
  • MIS Payment
  • Spot Commission Payment
  • Maturity Payment
  • Advance Payment and Adjustment
  • Loan Payment
  • Prize Payment
  • General Account Related Payment
  • All Payments Transfer to Savings Account
  • Joining Acknowledgement Print
  • I-card Print
  • All Kinds of Money Receipt Print
  • Bond and Certificate Print
  • Passbook Print
  • Voucher Print
  • CLD Print
  • Auto SMS
  • Individual SMS
  • Group SMS
  • Notification SMS
  • HR Master
  • a. Department Master
  • b. Designation Master
  • c. Holiday Master
  • d. Salary Master
  • Employee Master
  • Weekly Off-day Setup
  • Off-day Settings
  • In and Out Timing
  • Employee Leave
  • Employee Leave Approval and Confirmation
  • Attendance In and Out
  • Leave Adjustment
  • Salary Generation
  • Salary Payment
  • Print Salary Slip
  • Employee Search
  • Block / Unblock Employee
  • Appointment and Offer Letter Print
  • Attendance and Leave Report
  • Member / Advisor Entry
  • Member / Advisor Search
  • Member / Advisor Joining Report
  • Member / Advisor Detail Report
  • Member / Advisor Wise Search
  • Advisor Chain
  • Member / Advisor Down line
  • Member / Advisor Transfer
  • Member / Advisor Rank Promotion
  • Active & Inactive Member / Advisor
  • I-card Print
  • Loan Master
  • Loan Group Master
  • Single Loan Entry
  • Group Loan Entry
  • Loan Requisition
  • Loan Approval
  • Loan Disbursement
  • Loan EMI Payment
  • Loan Payment / Approval Report
  • Loan Disbursement Report
  • Loan Search Member / Branch Wise
  • Loan Account Ledger
  • User Management
  • Create User ID and Password
  • User Type Master
  • User Tracking
  • User Block / Unblock
  • Modify & Delete Any Data
  • User Activity Report
  • Send Notifications to Members and Associates
  • Inter Branch Communications
  • Member Modify
  • Associate Modify
  • Investment Modify
  • Investment Renewal Modify
  • Savings Account Modify
  • Savings Account Transaction Modify
  • Loan Modify
  • Loan Approval Modify
  • Account Related Entry and Payment Modify
  • All Payment Modification
  • All other kinds of Modification
  • Member / Associate Search
  • Investment Search
  • Total Business Search (All Category)
  • Associate Self and Team Business Search
  • Loan Search
  • Savings Account Search
  • Approval Search
  • All kinds of Payment Search
  • All kinds of Print Pending and Due List Search
  • Maturity Search (All Category)
  • Team Wise Search (All Category)
  • .. and many more (Upto 50 types of search)
  • Automatic Dividend Calculation
  • Automatic Interest Calculation
  • Automatic Voucher Generation
  • Automatic Installment Generation
  • Automatic Penalty Calculation
  • Automatic EMI Calculation
  • Automatic Cash sheet Generation
  • Stock Master
  • Category Master
  • Item Master
  • Supplier Master
  • Purchase Order
  • Stock Received
  • Order Book
  • Scrap Items
  • Distribution Requisition
  • Distribution Requisition Approval
  • Distribute Stock
  • Sale Invoice
  • Invoice Lookup
  • Report
  • a. Inventory Report
  • b. Purchase Report
  • c. Distribution Report
  • d. Warning Report
  • e. Sale Report
  • f. Scrap Report
  • g. Stock and Out-of-Stock Report
  • Deposit Entry
  • Renewal Entry
  • Multi-renewal Entry
  • Multi-Deposit Multi-renewal Entry
  • Deposit / Deposit Renewal Approve
  • Renewal Pending List Branch / Associate Wise
  • Search Deposit
  • Business Report
  • Business Report Plan Wise
  • Business Report Summary
  • Business Certificate / Bond Approve
  • Business Certificate / Bond Print
  • Spot Commission Payment
  • Certificate / Bond Dispatch Tracking
  • Maturity Master
  • Maturity Requisition
  • Maturity Approval
  • Maturity Payment
  • Maturity Part Payment
  • Maturity Re-investment
  • Maturity Search (All Category)
  • Maturity Report (All Category)
  • Voucher Master
  • Voucher Root
  • Voucher Generation
  • Voucher Search and Print
  • Voucher List Search and Print
  • Voucher Summary Associate Wise
  • Voucher Status Report Print and Pay
  • Voucher Payment
  • Advance Payment and Adjustment
  • Voucher Payment Transfer to Savings Account
  • Cash Book / Bank Book
  • Account Head Creation
  • Expenditure Group Creation
  • Budget Creation
  • Expenditure Entry Requisition
  • Expenditure Entry Approval
  • Expenditure payment
  • Other Income Entry
  • Budget Expenditure Requisition
  • Budget Expenditure Approval
  • Budget Expenditure Payment
  • Budget Expenditure Report
  • Branch Fund Transfer
  • Branch Fund Transfer Approval
  • Day Book
  • Trail Balance
  • Auto Cash / Balance Sheet
  • Cash Sheet Summary
  • Bank Deposit Entry
  • Bank Withdrawal Entry
  • Bank Account Ledger
  • Day End Denomination Entry
  • Branch Day End Closing
  • All kinds of Member / Associate Report
  • Business Report (All Category)
  • Business Report Plan Wise
  • Business Report Summary
  • Associate Collection Report Branch Wise
  • Associate Collection Report Rank Wise
  • Associate Self and Team Business Report
  • Savings Account Report
  • Loan Report (All Category)
  • Income Expenditure Report
  • Bond / Certificate Print and Dispatch Report
  • Cheque Business Report
  • All kinds of Approval Report
  • All kinds of Payment Report
  • All kinds of Investment Report
  • All kinds of Modification Report
  • TDS Report
  • All kinds of Account Related Report
  • All kinds of Print Report
  • Modify Password
  • Update Some Information
  • Check Their Self and Team Business
  • Send Joining Requisition
  • Send Investment Requisition
  • Send Investment Renewal Requisition
  • Loan Apply
  • Loan EMI Payment
  • Send Account Opening Requisition
  • View Their Account Summary
  • Transfer Fund to Other Account
  • View Their Loan Status
  • View Last 6 Months Voucher
  • Utility Bill Payment
  • View & Print Money Receipt
  • Last Activity
  • My Notification
  • Real Time Update
  • Highly Secured
  • All data are Encrypted
  • Mass SMS /E-mail
  • SMS / E-mail Notifications
  • Fully Customizable
  • All Reports for Audit Purpose
  • User Friendly GUI
  • Easy to Handle (Without having any computer knowledge)
  • Bar Code Facilities
  • 24*7 Online Support