MR IT SOLUTIONs have been working in software development since last twelve years. In this period we have design a lot of websites and software. Producer company software is one of them. It is easy to operate; professional employees are not required to operate the software. 'N' number of agents and customer can work on this because this is already tested with millions of entries. MR IT SOLUTIONs is a .NET based centralized database online software for producer company software with core banking operations such as fixed deposit, recurring deposits, daily deposit schemes, loan to customers, monthly income schemes, dividend declaration etc. Our software handle all savings A/C, current A/C, FD A/C , RD A/C, DDS,member details etc.

Now MR IT SOLUTIONs has become specialize in developing producer company software that will automate our client's business process, making organization more responsive and effective and saves time and money. Our company is created to meet our clients specific needs. Our process and methodologies are continuously monitored, updated to keep pace with the new innovations in technology and our customer's need. We follow enterprise wide quality policy which is defined and measurable.

Our expertise in software development is added to our valuable client's insight and in-depth knowledge of client's organization and the tasks the client needs to achieve to make their business run more efficiently. We license the software for the client's use, but we are free to take what we have learn, and sell tools to similar companies. We constantly develop our service we can market more widely. It's a win win situation which benefits everyone. MR IT SOLUTIONs believe quality consists of services on time and in conformance with client's requirements. We recognize and respect our customer's right to receive quality services, on time and within budget.

MR IT SOLUTIONs producer company software is the finest and customized software tool for managing our client's producer company society of any type. Our producer company software is a powerful online web based and windows based GUI based application integrated with core producer company system designed to take care of all aspects of our client's societies business with utmose care. The highlight of this software is in its comprehensiveness and the simplicity with which it handles complex tasks with ease. The software is designed to work for network environment to access the information and update the data by different users simultaneously. Our module design with proper integration to ensure trouble free operations without undue complications.

MR IT SOLUTIONs producer company software will mechanize the client's business forms, making their association more powerful and responsive and sparing time and cash. It can be both less expensive than off the rack programming arrangements and obviously, significantly more capable. The client can diminish the hours of expected to perform time-escalated administration and managerial assignments, enhancing productivity, driving out cost and increasing benefits. We take after big business wide quality strategy which is characterized and quantifiable. MR IT SOLUTIONs procedure and philosophies are always checked, refreshed to keep pace with new advancements in innovation and client's.


  • Branch Master
  • Region Master
  • State Master
  • Plan Master
  • Rank Master
  • Commission Master
  • Relation Master
  • Bank Master
  • Configuration Master
  • Target Master
  • Prize Master
  • Voucher Master
  • Account Master
  • Dividend Master
  • Maturity Master
  • Loan Master
  • Interest Master
  • Financial Year Master
  • Account Opening Entry
  • Account Approval
  • Account Transaction
  • Account Transaction Approval
  • Auto Interest Calculation
  • Auto Interest Payment
  • Account to Account Transfer
  • Account Search
  • Account Ledger
  • Account Report (All Category)
  • Account Passbook Print
  • Member Joining Approval
  • Associate Joining Approval
  • Investment Approval
  • Investment Renewal Approval
  • Certificate / Bond Approval
  • Savings Account Approval
  • Savings Account Transaction Approval
  • Loan Approval
  • Maturity Approval
  • Payment Approval
  • Cheque Business Approval
  • Other Approvals
  • Commission / Voucher Payment
  • MIS Payment
  • Spot Commission Payment
  • Maturity Payment
  • Advance Payment and Adjustment
  • Loan Payment
  • Prize Payment
  • General Account Related Payment
  • All Payments Transfer to Savings Account
  • Joining Acknowledgement Print
  • I-card Print
  • All Kinds of Money Receipt Print
  • Bond and Certificate Print
  • Passbook Print
  • Voucher Print
  • CLD Print
  • Auto SMS
  • Individual SMS
  • Group SMS
  • Notification SMS
  • HR Master
  • a. Department Master
  • b. Designation Master
  • c. Holiday Master
  • d. Salary Master
  • Employee Master
  • Weekly Off-day Setup
  • Off-day Settings
  • In and Out Timing
  • Employee Leave
  • Employee Leave Approval and Confirmation
  • Attendance In and Out
  • Leave Adjustment
  • Salary Generation
  • Salary Payment
  • Print Salary Slip
  • Employee Search
  • Block / Unblock Employee
  • Appointment and Offer Letter Print
  • Attendance and Leave Report
  • Member / Advisor Entry
  • Member / Advisor Search
  • Member / Advisor Joining Report
  • Member / Advisor Detail Report
  • Member / Advisor Wise Search
  • Advisor Chain
  • Member / Advisor Down line
  • Member / Advisor Transfer
  • Member / Advisor Rank Promotion
  • Active & Inactive Member / Advisor
  • I-card Print
  • Loan Master
  • Loan Group Master
  • Single Loan Entry
  • Group Loan Entry
  • Loan Requisition
  • Loan Approval
  • Loan Disbursement
  • Loan EMI Payment
  • Loan Payment / Approval Report
  • Loan Disbursement Report
  • Loan Search Member / Branch Wise
  • Loan Account Ledger
  • User Management
  • Create User ID and Password
  • User Type Master
  • User Tracking
  • User Block / Unblock
  • Modify & Delete Any Data
  • User Activity Report
  • Send Notifications to Members and Associates
  • Inter Branch Communications
  • Member Modify
  • Associate Modify
  • Investment Modify
  • Investment Renewal Modify
  • Savings Account Modify
  • Savings Account Transaction Modify
  • Loan Modify
  • Loan Approval Modify
  • Account Related Entry and Payment Modify
  • All Payment Modification
  • All other kinds of Modification
  • Member / Associate Search
  • Investment Search
  • Total Business Search (All Category)
  • Associate Self and Team Business Search
  • Loan Search
  • Savings Account Search
  • Approval Search
  • All kinds of Payment Search
  • All kinds of Print Pending and Due List Search
  • Maturity Search (All Category)
  • Team Wise Search (All Category)
  • .. and many more (Upto 50 types of search)
  • Automatic Dividend Calculation
  • Automatic Interest Calculation
  • Automatic Voucher Generation
  • Automatic Installment Generation
  • Automatic Penalty Calculation
  • Automatic EMI Calculation
  • Automatic Cash sheet Generation
  • Stock Master
  • Category Master
  • Item Master
  • Supplier Master
  • Purchase Order
  • Stock Received
  • Order Book
  • Scrap Items
  • Distribution Requisition
  • Distribution Requisition Approval
  • Distribute Stock
  • Sale Invoice
  • Invoice Lookup
  • Report
  • a. Inventory Report
  • b. Purchase Report
  • c. Distribution Report
  • d. Warning Report
  • e. Sale Report
  • f. Scrap Report
  • g. Stock and Out-of-Stock Report
  • Deposit Entry
  • Renewal Entry
  • Multi-renewal Entry
  • Multi-Deposit Multi-renewal Entry
  • Deposit / Deposit Renewal Approve
  • Renewal Pending List Branch / Associate Wise
  • Search Deposit
  • Business Report
  • Business Report Plan Wise
  • Business Report Summary
  • Business Certificate / Bond Approve
  • Business Certificate / Bond Print
  • Spot Commission Payment
  • Certificate / Bond Dispatch Tracking
  • Maturity Master
  • Maturity Requisition
  • Maturity Approval
  • Maturity Payment
  • Maturity Part Payment
  • Maturity Re-investment
  • Maturity Search (All Category)
  • Maturity Report (All Category)
  • Voucher Master
  • Voucher Root
  • Voucher Generation
  • Voucher Search and Print
  • Voucher List Search and Print
  • Voucher Summary Associate Wise
  • Voucher Status Report Print and Pay
  • Voucher Payment
  • Advance Payment and Adjustment
  • Voucher Payment Transfer to Savings Account
  • Cash Book / Bank Book
  • Account Head Creation
  • Expenditure Group Creation
  • Budget Creation
  • Expenditure Entry Requisition
  • Expenditure Entry Approval
  • Expenditure payment
  • Other Income Entry
  • Budget Expenditure Requisition
  • Budget Expenditure Approval
  • Budget Expenditure Payment
  • Budget Expenditure Report
  • Branch Fund Transfer
  • Branch Fund Transfer Approval
  • Day Book
  • Trail Balance
  • Auto Cash / Balance Sheet
  • Cash Sheet Summary
  • Bank Deposit Entry
  • Bank Withdrawal Entry
  • Bank Account Ledger
  • Day End Denomination Entry
  • Branch Day End Closing
  • All kinds of Member / Associate Report
  • Business Report (All Category)
  • Business Report Plan Wise
  • Business Report Summary
  • Associate Collection Report Branch Wise
  • Associate Collection Report Rank Wise
  • Associate Self and Team Business Report
  • Savings Account Report
  • Loan Report (All Category)
  • Income Expenditure Report
  • Bond / Certificate Print and Dispatch Report
  • Cheque Business Report
  • All kinds of Approval Report
  • All kinds of Payment Report
  • All kinds of Investment Report
  • All kinds of Modification Report
  • TDS Report
  • All kinds of Account Related Report
  • All kinds of Print Report
  • Modify Password
  • Update Some Information
  • Check Their Self and Team Business
  • Send Joining Requisition
  • Send Investment Requisition
  • Send Investment Renewal Requisition
  • Loan Apply
  • Loan EMI Payment
  • Send Account Opening Requisition
  • View Their Account Summary
  • Transfer Fund to Other Account
  • View Their Loan Status
  • View Last 6 Months Voucher
  • Utility Bill Payment
  • View & Print Money Receipt
  • Last Activity
  • My Notification
  • Real Time Update
  • Highly Secured
  • All data are Encrypted
  • Mass SMS /E-mail
  • SMS / E-mail Notifications
  • Fully Customizable
  • All Reports for Audit Purpose
  • User Friendly GUI
  • Easy to Handle (Without having any computer knowledge)
  • Bar Code Facilities
  • 24*7 Online Support