Primary Agriculture Credit Society (PACS) is a basic and smallest unit which deals directly with the agricultural borrowers, gives loans and collects repayments of loans given. PACS works on ground root level like village or rural areas. It is playing a crucial role to improve the social and economic conditions masses of the state in India. These societies also show capacity in development of agriculture and upliftment of farmers of the state.

MR IT SOLUTION's effective centralized software supports Primary Agriculture Credit Societies to overspread their daily activities. We possess a large market share in these types of societies in India. Our software has ample coverage of KCC module. This PACS software has disaster recovery plans with competent security management. It is an error free and fast disposal of transactions. Our software is compliance with MIS and CAS. The software helps to implement any Government sponsored project through PACS as Government can monitor these plans with the help of the application.

Product architecture supports a broad variety of server platforms and interacts with other software for capable data integration. It has audit trail and various effective MIS. Its POS is used for transaction from a branch which supports KCC transaction across the PACS network. So the software handles and maintains crop, advances and other loans. PACS software, by MR IT SOLUTIONs, developed accordingly to the Common Accounting System (CAS). Our computerized PACS software gives fully peace of mind to its management. It decreases the work load and increases the efficiency of the employees. As a result, the employees can work more on different departments. Like this the society can think for new businesses with help of the same manpower.

The software handles the accounting system of the society. With a single voucher posting like purchase, sale, payment and receipt, the stock updated along with the stock register. The profit and loss account, trading account and the balance sheet becomes updated. So the management can just have a look on their final accounts.

Benefits of MR IT SOLUTION's PACS software are listed below:

a) Easy to configure various loans that form major part of PACS portfolio- mid term, short term such s Rabi loan, Kharif loan, dryers, prayers, tractor etc.
b) MR IT SOLUTION's PACS software manages the complete life cycle of a member form registration to cancellation including new shares, dividend distribution etc.
c) It gives full MIS reports which covers loans, ledgers, stocks, insurance, financial statements etc.
d) NPA management tracks loan collection, recovery processes, and overdue loans.
e) An extensive range of deposit and savings products can be configures and offered to the farmers by MR IT SOLUTION's PACS software.
f) The software manages AIMAS transactions.
g) It manages investments in bonds and G-SEC.
h) It helps in kisan credit card management, share capital management etc.
i) Our PACS software keeps stock management- tracking of stock movement, sales, and purchase of seeds, fertilizer, transfer and closing of stock.
j) The software helps in business development like renting and sales of farming equipments.
k) It is very comfortable to access in tab, computer, and laptop.
l) The software shows pre-packaged reports like reporting requirement of National Bank For Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD).

Our web-based PACS software allows setting up of new types of deposits and loans. MR IT SOLUTION's designed, developed, procured existing PACS software deployed and running successfully that meets the norms of management information system (MIS) and common accounting system (CAS) of NABARD. This includes commissioning, delivery and maintenance of application software at PACS according to their functionality. We provide facility management support, give user training for PACS orientation, process training, application training to our clients. We also provide handholding support to our clients of the software for an agreeable amount of time. This PACS software works both online and offline mode which ensures uniformity in according system for every PACS. This user friendly software is easy to use with workflow, icon and picture driven operations.

The PACS software MR IT SOLUTIONs provide is a single window access to the entire member's financial and other information at a single point like accounts information, loan etc. It is a high level tired security mechanism. It gives security and data integrity i.e. validation check at each and every stage, role base permission given to maker, users and approver concept. MR IT SOLUTION's PACS software separate ledgers for each member against individual loans. This complete banking software provides statutory reports at a single point like DCB, loan ledger, common demand. Its robust system is for KCC loan disbursement and collection.